Tous les partenaires


The Rwanda Green Fund is a groundbreaking environment and climate change fund. Its purpose is to be the engine of green growth in Rwanda, while serving as a touchstone for all over the world.


UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills and MOREOVER..


The Rwanda Governance Board is an independent state agency established by the law N°56/2016 of 16/12/2016 establishing the Rwanda Governance Board and determining its mission, organization and functioning.

Muhanga district

Muhanga ni kamwe mu Turere 8 tugize intara y'Amajyepfo kagizwe n'imirenge 12, Utugari 63 n'Imidugudu 331. Gafite ubuso bwa Km² 647,7 umubare w'abaturage kugeza Gicuransi 2020 ni 368,305.

Ruhango district

Ruhango ni kamwe mu Turere 8 tugize intara y'Amajyepfo kagizwe n'imirenge 9, Utugari 59 n'Imidugudu 533. Ubuso bw‘Akarere ka Ruhango bungana na km2 626.8. Gatuwe n’abaturage 319,885.


Akarere Ka Kamonyi gaherereye mu Ntara y'Amajyepfo, gafite Imirenge 12, Utugari 59 n'Imidugudu 317, gafite abaturage 450,849, gafite ubuso bungana na kilometero kare 655,5, gahana imbibe n'Uturere dutanu: Muhanga, Ruhango, Nyarugenge, Gakenke na Bugesera. 


Caritas Rwanda was established in 1960 by Catholic Bishops of Rwanda. It was officially recognized as a non-profit organization by the ministerial order number 499/08 in 1962, and became a non-governmental organization according to the law no 06/2012 of 17/02/2012 governing the management and governance of religion-based institutions in Rwanda. It has mission to assist people in needs and promote their integral human development,
drawing on the Charity as per the Word of God.


SECODEV is a non-governmental organization with charitable status whose mission is to fight and extinguish poverty in the south. Its development assistance program “Reversing the process of impoverishment of rural populations” has been developed with local partners and is based on the needs of the world’s most severely disadvantaged communities. It works with Caritas Diocese Kabgayi in CEFOPPAK project. 


The National Union of Disability Organisations in Rwanda (NUDOR) exists to strengthen the voice of the disability movement in Rwanda. It is an umbrella organisation established in 2010 by eight organisations of persons with disabilities. Together NUDOR and its thirteen members are working so that persons with disabilities can enjoy the equal rights to which they are entitled.  It is is this way that Caritas Diocese Kabgayi engages. 


Liliane Foundation is NGO that was created as a special fund for children and young people with disabilities in developing countries. In cooperation/partnership with local partner organizations, the foundation aims at social inclusion promoting community based rehabilitation strategies/services.


La Fondazione "Elena Sapio" o.n.l.u.s. , nasce il 20 novembre del 1989 come slancio d'amore a favore dell'infanzia e di quanti, in tanti angoli del mondo, vivono nella miseria e nel degrado.


ICLI es una ONGD independiente que trabaja para promover el desarrollo en los países del Sur aprovechando los conocimientos y la experiencia del colectivo de la ingeniería, así como de otros colectivos profesionales que la integran.  De igual forma, participa en proyectos que tienen lugar en su entorno próximo para NO DEJAR A NADIE ATRÁS.


is a Spanish multinational company that operates in the infrastructure sector for transportation and mobility with four divisions: Highways, Airports, Construction, and Mobility and Energy Infrastructure


Caritas Bizkaia is the Christian community of the Church of Bizkaia promoting social and charitable action in the territory. It promotes social commitment, participation and networking. It helps human promotion and the integral development of all people by working from a rights-based approach, making visible, raising awareness and denouncing the causes generate social injustice and proposing alternatives for social transformation 


Le territoire du Diocèse de Kabgayi se situe en province Sud du Rwanda, et couvre l’étendue de trois districts à savoir Kamonyi, Muhanga et Ruhango ainsi qu’une petite portion du district de Nyanza. Le Diocèse de Kabgayi est composé aujourd’hui de 29 paroisses. L’histoire du Diocèse se confond jusqu’en 1952 avec l’histoire religieuse du Christianisme au Rwanda.


Amici dei Popoli
nasce nel 1974 con il nome di Amici del Rwanda, quando un gruppo di volontari, guidato dal sacerdote salesiano Don Ferdinando Colombo, si reca per la prima volta in Rwanda (il “Paese dalle mille colline”) per compiere un’esperienza di un mese di attività a servizio di alcune comunità locali che fanno capo a Padre Tiziano Guglielmi, missionario reggiano della congregazione dei Padri Bianchi, e Don Mario Ardenghi, missionario salesiano. L’esperienza si ripete negli anni successivi, coinvolge un numero sempre crescente di volontari e porta il gruppo a dotarsi gradualmente di una struttura amministrativa ispirata – nei valori fondanti – al messaggio cristiano.


SCIAF was founded in 1965 by a small group of Scottish Catholics who were united in their goal to reach out in love to the world’s poorest people. Guided by the principles of the Second Vatican Council, Monsignor John Rooney and John McKee – an unpaid volunteer – set up SCIAF in a Rutherglen classroom with a budget of just £8,000.

Their aim, which we still live by today, was to help people in the world’s poorest places and inspire Scottish Catholics to respond to Jesus’ call for a just world in which all people can live life to the full.


Bilbao est une ville du Nord de l'Espagne d'environ 350 000 habitants, capitale de la province de Biscaye et de la comarque du Grand Bilbao. C'est la ville la plus importante de la communauté autonome du Pays basque et du Nord de la péninsule Ibérique.